Welcome Deepa and Alyson to the P-Mag Lab!

The P-Mag lab welcomes two new graduate students, Deepa Dwyer and Alyson Churchill. Both are in the beginning stages of their PhDs, Deepa is working with Dr. Joe Stoner looking at sediment samples from Exp. 341 in the Gulf of Alaska and Alyson is working with Dr....

The P-mag Lab on the Move (Literally)

In December, there was a fire in Burt Hall.  Thankfully, the P-mag Lab survived with very minimal damage, but the building around us needs a lot of work.  So today, Joe, Brendan and our friends Dave and Chris from 2-G Enterprises took apart the magnetometer and moved...

The P-mag Lab at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting

The OSU P-mag Lab is headed to Washington D.C. next week for the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting. If you are there, learn about some of the research we are working on, including projects from the Bay of Bengal, Peru, Northern North Atlantic, Western North America, Nares Strait,...

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