OSU P-mag Lab Alumni

Lindsey Monito

Lindsey Monito

M.S. Student 2020-2022

I am interested in utilizing data from marine and lacustrine sediment cores to study various aspects of paleoclimatology. My masters research will work with marine sediments from the IODP Expedition 383 in the South Pacific.  Currently, a PhD student with Rob Hatfield at the University of Florida.

You can read some of Lindsey’s M.S. work here:

Monito, L. (2022). A Paleomagnetic and Environmental Magnetic Record from the Eastern South Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean (0-1.7 Ma): IODP Site U1543.

Ben Freiberg

Ben Freiberg

M.S. Student 2017-2019

My research interests focus on stratigraphy and geochronology of marine (sediment) magnetic records in the northern North Atlantic. In particular, my Masters research uses particle-size specific magnetic techniques to study sediment provenance and ocean currents. An overarching theme in this project is to track development of the Greenland Ice Sheet throughout the Holocene (past ~12,000 years), in relation to ocean circulation. The broader objective remains to enhance paleomagnetic techniques as an environmental proxy in the North Atlantic.  Ben is now a Marine Tech at MASSAN, PAC-Wave.

You can read some of Ben’s M.S. work here:

Freiberg, B. T. (2019). Exploring the Magnetic Properties of Specific Grain-Sizes to Understand Marine Depositional Systems: A Case Study from the Eirik Ridge South of Greenland over the Last Glacial Cycle.

Dr. Robert Hatfield

Dr. Robert Hatfield

Research Associate (Postdoc)/Research Associate 2010-2019

Rob was a Postdoc and Research Associate with the P-mag Lab from 2010-2019.  His work included developing magnetic and geochemical fingerprints for sediment sources to the Northern North Atlantic and using those fingerprints to better understand the history of the Greenland Ice Sheet and North Atlantic paleoceanography.  Rob also worked on the magnetostratigraphy of sediments recovered during IODP Expedition 340 to the Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc and 363 to the West Pacific Warm Pool.  Rob is now an Assistant Professor at the University of Florida Department of Geological Sciences.

You can read some of Rob’s Postdoc work here:

Hatfield, R.G., Reyes, A.V., Stoner, J.S., Carlson, A.E., Beard, B.L., Winsor, K, & Welke, B. (2016) Interglacial responses of the south Greenland ice sheet over the last 430,000 years determined using particle-size specific magnetic and isotopic tracers. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 454, 225-236.

Hatfield, R.G., Stoner, J.S., Reilly, B.Y., Tepley III, F.J., Wheeler, B.H., & Housen, B. (2017) Grain size dependent magnetic discrimination of Iceland and south Greenland terrestrial sediments in the northern North Atlantic sediment record. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 474, 474-489

Hatfield, R.G., Wheeler, B.H., Reilly, B.T., Stoner, J.S., and Housen, B. (2019) Particle Size Specific Magnetic Properties Across the Norwegian‐Greenland Seas: Insights Into the Influence of Sediment Source and Texture on Bulk Magnetic Records, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20.

Katharine Solada

Katharine Solada

MS Student 2016-2018; Lab Manager 2018-2020

Katharine was an MS student in the P-mag Lab from 2016-2018, co-advised by Joe Stoner and CEOAS volcanologist Shan de Silva.  Her research used radiocarbon and paleomagnetic secular variation as stratigraphic tools to investigate uplifted lake sediments on the resurgent Toba Caldera in Indonesia.  Her work has provided new insight to the style of resurgence of the caldera.  Broadly, Katharine is interested in all things volcanic, including volcanic hazards, resurgence, caldera evolution, supereruptions, volcanic tremor, magma degassing, and the application of paleomagnetism towards volcanic problems.  She now works as the lab manager for the Oregon State P-mag Lab and teaches Earth Science classes at Linn-Benton Community College. 

You can read about Katharine’s MS in Quaternary Research:

Solada, K., Reilly, B., Stoner, J., de Silva, S., Mucek, A., Hatfield, R., Pratomo, I., Jamil, R., Setiannto, B., (2020) Paleomagnetic observations from lake sediments on Samosir Island, Toba Caldera, Indonesia and its Late Pleistocene resurgence, Quaternary Research.


Dr. Brendan Reilly

Dr. Brendan Reilly

PhD Student 2013-2018; Research Associate (Postdoc) 2018-2019

Brendan was a PhD student in the P-mag Lab from 2013 to 2018 and Postdoc from 2018-2019.  His PhD work focused on dating sediment archives from Northern Greenland, Western North America, and the Indian Ocean, using paleomagnetism in concert with other stratigraphic approaches. These stronger chronologies provided new insight to geomagnetic, glacial, and depositional Earth system histories.  Brendan also worked on the magnetostratigraphy for sediments recovered during IODP Expeditions 354 to the Bengal Fan and 382 to the Scotia Sea’s Iceberg Alley.  Brendan is now an Institutional Postdoc at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego.

You can read Brendan’s PhD work here:

Reilly, B., Bergmann, F., Weber, M., Stoner, J., Selkin, P., Meynadier, L., Schwenk, T., Spiess, V., France-Lanord, C., (2020) Mid to Late Pleistocene evolution of the Bengal Fan: Integrating core and seismic observations for chronostratigraphic modeling of the IODP Expedition 354 8⁰ North transect, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.

Reilly, B.T., Stoner, J., Mix, A., Walczak, M., Jennings, A., Jakobsson, M., Dyke, L., Glueder, A., Nicholls, K., Hogan, K., Mayer, L., Hatfield, R., Albert, S., Marcott, S., Fallon, S., Cheseby M., (2019) Holocene break-up and reestablishment of the Petermann Ice Tongue, Northwest Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews. vol. 218, pp. 322-342.

Reilly, B., Stoner, J., Hatfield, R., Abbott, M., Marchetti, D., Larsen, D., Finkenbinder, M., Hillman, A., Kuehn, S., Heil, C., (2018) Regionally consistent Western North America paleomagnetic directions from 15-35 ka: Assessing chronology and uncertainty with paleosecular variation (PSV) stratigraphy, Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 201, pp. 186-205.

Reilly, B., Stoner, J., Selkin, P., Savian, J., Meynadier, L., (2018) Data report: Paleomagnetic directions from IODP Expedition 354, Hole U1451A, Cores 23H and 24H, in Bengal Fan.  Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 354: College Station, TX.

Reilly, B.T., J.S. Stoner, J. Wiest, (2017) SedCT: MATLABTM tools for standardized and quantitative processing of sediment core computed tomography (CT) data collected using a medical CT scanner, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18.

Ann E. Morey (Ross)

Ann E. Morey (Ross)

Sr. Faculty Research II 2014-2016

Ann was a Senior Faculty Research II with the P-mag Lab from 2014-2016 and managed the day to day operations of the P-mag Lab.  Ann is now a PhD candidate at Oregon State University, studying the paleo-seismic records of Oregon lake sediments.  Her research objectives include: (1) Attempt to differentiate between earthquake-triggered deposits from those resulting from other types of disturbances such extreme floods and post-fire erosion using the sedimentary records of small lakes in the Pacific Northwest; (2) Determine the mechanisms that control deposit characteristics; (3) Estimate minimum intensity and spatial pattern of strong ground motions resulting from a great earthquake; and (4) Reconstruct the earthquake history at these locations.

Dr. Leah Ziegler

Dr. Leah Ziegler

NSF Earth Science Post-doctoral Fellow 2011-2013; Postdoctoral Research Assistant (2013-2014)

Leah was a Postdoc at the P-mag Lab from 2011-2014.  Leah was interested in how geomagnetism could be used to study deep Earth Processes and Earth History.  During her postdoc, Leah explored time and spatial variations in paleomagnetic field variations and explored the implications of a long-lived basal magma ocean as a means of generating Earth’s magnetic field in early Earth History.  Leah now lives in San Diego and is a Staff Algorithm Engineer at Dexcom.

You can read about Leah’s work on Gulf of Alaska environmental magnetism and the long-lived basal magma ocean here:

Carlson, A., Kilmer, Z., Ziegler, L., Stoner, J., Wiles, G., Starr, K., Walczak, M., Colgan, W., Reyes, A., Leydet, D., Hatfield, R., (2017) Recent retreat of Columbia Glacier, Alaska: Millennial context, Geology, 45 (6), 547-550.

Ziegler, L., Stegman, D., (2013) Implications of a long-lived basal magma ocean in generating Earth’s ancient magnetic field, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14 (11), 4735-4742.

Dr. Sarah Strano

Dr. Sarah Strano

PhD Student 2008-2014

Sarah was a PhD student in the P-mag Lab from 2008-2014.  Part of Sarah’s PhD work focused on improving our understanding of deep sea sediment magnetism, particularly using high resolution radiocarbon chronologies and paleomagnetic measurements to assess and quantify the influence of post-depositional remanent magnetization acquisition processes from a wide range of depositional environments.  With the insight gained into these processes, Sarah worked to improve regional reconstructions of the past geomagnetic field and investigated how these magnetic records are affected by regional environmental changes.  Sarah now lives in Seattle, WA with her family and has worked as a Data Scientist/Software Developer.

You can read Sarah’s thesis here:

Strano, S. (2014). Deep-sea sediment paleomagnetism : A case study from the North Atlantic. Corvallis, Or.: Oregon State University.

Dr. Chuang Xuan

Dr. Chuang Xuan

Institutional Postdoctoral Research Associate 2010-2013

Chuang was a postdoc in the P-mag Lab from 2010-2013 after completing his PhD at the University of Florida.  His interests include: (1) Reconstruction and understanding of the temporal and spatial variation of the geomagnetic field on various scales; (2) High-resolution chronostratigraphy and paleoenvironment resconstructions using paleomagnetic and rock magnetic records; (3) Evidence and causes of the possible relationships among Earth’s orbital parameters, magnetic field, and climate on various time scales; (4) Application of advanced statistic and mathematic methods on solving geomagnetism, paleomagnetism, and paleoclimate related problems, and the development of related software.

Chuang is now an Associate Professor within the Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre at the University of Southampton.

You can read about Chuang’s work on deconvolution of data from the OSU’s u-channel magnetometer here:

Xuan C., Oda, H., (2015) UDECON: deconvolution optimization software for restoring high-resolution records from pass-through paleomagnetic measurements, Earth, Planets, Space, 67 (1), 183.

Oda, H., Xuan, C., (2014) Deconvolution of continuous paleomagnetic data from pass-through magnetometer: A new algorithm to restore geomagnetic and environmental information based on realistic optimization, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15, (10), 3907-3924.

Jason Dorfman

Jason Dorfman

M.S. Student 2010-2013

Jason completed his Masters degree in Marine Geology and Geophysics in the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences at OSU in 2013.  Working with PI Joseph Stoner and Dr. Mark Abbott at the University of Pittsburgh, he reconstructed the Holocene geomagnetic field of the Arctic by analyzing marine and lake-core sediments sampled from a transect around the Arctic Circle mostly focusing on Burial Lake in northwest Alaska in the Brooks Range. The 37,000 year record provided a detailed record of the Earth’s magnetic field and its ever-changing orientation and intensity.  This project helped to understand spatial and temporal patterns of the magnetic field, and how these patterns affect climate and other earthly processes.  Jason now works for David Evans & Associates in Portland, OR.

You can read about some of Jason’s MS work in Quaternary Science Reviews:

Dorfman, J.M., J.S. Stoner, M.S. Finkenbinder, M.B. Abbott, C. Xuan, and G. St-Onge (2015) A 37,000-year environmental magnetic record of aeolian dust deposition from Burial Lake, Arctic Alaska, Quaternary Science Reviews, 128, 81-97.

Dr. Maureen Walczak (nee Davies)

Dr. Maureen Walczak (nee Davies)

PhD Student 2006-2011

Maureen completed her PhD in 2011, being co-advised by Joe Stoner and CEOAS paleoceanographer Alan Mix.  Her PhD work included the study of the paleoceanographic, paleoclimate, and paleomagnetic histories recorded in the sediments of the Gulf of Alaska.  In addition to paleomagnetic methods, Maureen use a diverse set of tools including isotope geochemistry, sedimentology, and radiocarbon.  Following graduation, Maureen was a Super Science Fellow at the Australia National University from 2011 to 2015 and worked on novel dating methods for marine sediments.  She is now an Assistant Professor (Senior Research) at Oregon State University.

You can read about Maureen’s PhD work in Paleoceanography and EPSL:

Walczak, M.H., J.S. Stoner, A.C. Mix, J. Jaeger, G.P. Rosen, J.E.T. Channell, D. Heslop, & C. Xuan 2017: A 17,000 yr paleomagnetic secular variation record from the southeast Alaskan margin: Regional and global correlations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 477, 177-189.

Davies-Walczak, M.H., A.C. Mix, J.S. Stoner, J.R. Southon, M. Cheseby, & C. Xuan (2014) Late Glacial to Holocene radiocarbon constraints on North Pacific Intermediate Water ventilation and deglacial atmospheric CO2 sources,  Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 397, 57-66.

Davies, M. H., A. C. Mix, J. S. Stoner, J. A. Addison, J. Jaeger, B. Finney, and J. Wiest (2011) The deglacial transition on the Southeastern Alaska Margin: meltwater input, sealevel rise, marine productivity, and sedimentary anoxia. Paleoceanography, 26, PA2224.

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