Deepa Dwyer

Ph.D. Student, CEOAS


Education & Positions Held:

B.S., Geology, Montclair State University (2011)

M.S., Geoscience, Montclair State University (2013)

Liberty Science Center, Jersey City, New Jersey

 Interpretation Associate (2007-2013)

Coordinator, Specialized STEM Programs (2013-2018)

Manager, Specialized STEM Programs (2018-2019)

Ph.D. Ocean, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University (expected 2024)


Research Interests:

I am interested in how magnetic signatures are recorded within ocean floor sediments.  My PhD research uses materials collected from IODP Expedition 341 from the Gulf of Alaska.  One of my goals is to generate depth to depth stratigraphic relations from a network of drill cores using their magnetic signatures to yield a single age-depth profile.


Other Interests:

I have spent the last 12 years working in the education field and enjoy participating and fostering educational outreach.  I also enjoy cooking, playing board games, and, when time allows, playing video games.



Brachfeld, S.,  Shah, D. , First, E. , Hammer, J. and Bowles, J. (2015), Influence of redox conditions on the intensity of Mars crustal magnetic anomalies. Meteoritc Planet Sci, 50: 1703-1717. doi:10.1111/maps.12505

Brachfeld, S., D. Cuomo, L. Tatsumi‐Petrochilos, J. A. Bowles, D. Shah, and J. Hammer (2014), Contribution of multidomain titanomagnetite to the intensity and stability of Mars crustal magnetic anomalies, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 7997–8005, doi: 10.1002/2


Scientific and Educational meetings:

Dwyer, D., Stoner, J., Walczak, M.H., Reilly, B., Mix, A., Fallon, S., Velle, J., St-Onge, G., Penkrot, M., (2021) The Sedimentologic and Magnetic Signature of Siku Events During the Last Glacial in Three Different Environments in the Gulf of Alaska Recovered During IODP EXP 341, Geologic Society of America, Portland, Oregon

Donnenfield, J., Walczak, M.H., Mix, A., Stelling, K., Hofstetter, C., Gregory, E., Hytrek, H., Dwyer, D., Reilly, B., Stoner, J., Fehrenbacher, J.S., McKay, J., (2021) Observations of Persistent Benthic Hypoxia on the Pacific Northwest Margin: An Early Holocene Analogue for our Near-Future, Geologic Society of America, Portland, OR

Gregory, E., Mix, A., Walczak, M.H., Ponton, C., Padman, J., Ross, A., Stelling, K.M., Dwyer, D., Donnenfield., J., Reilly, B., Stoner, J., (2021) Paleoceanographic perspectives on Columbia River Discharge During the Holocene, Geologic Society of America, Portland, Oregon

Hytrek, H., Walczak, M.H., Reilly, B., Haley, B., Churchill, A., Dwyer, D., Hofstetter, C., Stelling, K., Gregory, E., (2021) Analyzing Variability in Sediment Provenance to Understand The retreat of Southern Cordilleran

Hofstetter, C., Dwyer, D., Monito, L., Reilly, B., Walczak, M.H., Stoner, J., Stelling, K., Hytrek, H., Donnenfield, J., Gregory, E., (2021) Do Marine Sediments from the Cascadia Margin Record the Geomagnetic Field? A Study of Piston Cores Collected During OC2006A

Stelling, K., Walczak, M.H., Mix, A., Ponton, C., Gregory, E., Hofstetter, C., Hytrek, H., Dwyer, D., Reilly, B., Padman, J., A (2021) Paleoceanographic Perspective on the Final Days of the Glacial Lake Russell, Puget Sound, Washington, Geologic Society of America

Stoner, J., Reilly, B., Dwyer, D., Walczak, M.H., Mix, A., Hofstetter, C., St-Onge, G., Velle, J., (2021) Geomagnetic Network Analysis: A High Resolution Paleomagnetic Based Chronostragraphic Approach Particularly Well-Suited for the Northeast Pacific – Western North American Region, Geologic Society of America, Portland, Oregon

Dwyer, D., Reilly, B., Walczak, M., Velle, J., St-Onge, G., Stoner, J., (2019) Developing a geomagnetic network to explore IODP EXP 341 Drill Sites on South Alaska Margin: Regional synchronization of magnetic, lithologic, and radiocarbon data, American Geological Union, San Francisco, California

Shah, D., Rosario, R., (2016) Integrating Engineering and Technology Content with the Next Generation Science Standards, New Jersey School Board Association, Atlantic City, NJ

Shah, D., Melendez, A., (2015) Easy Access: 3D Design, New Jersey School Board Association, Atlantic City, NJ

Shah, D., Brachfeld, S., First, E., and Hammer, J., (2013) Rock Magnetic and Remanence Properties of Yamato 980459, 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Woodland, Texas

Shah, D., and Brachfeld, S., (2012) Paleomagnetic Analysis from the SHADRILL, Maxwell Bay Site, South Shetland Islands, Antarctic Peninsula, Scientific Committee of Antarctic Research, Portland, Oregon

Shah, D., and Brachfeld, S., (2010) Preliminary Rock Magnetic and Paleomagnetic Results from the SHALDRILL Maxwell Bay Site, South Shetland Islands, Antarctic Peninsula, American Geological Union, San Francisco, California


Mailing address:
104 CEOAS Admin Bldg
Corvallis, OR 97331-5503

Office: Wilkinson 002

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