
Here we host a collection of data that can be found in P-Mag Lab publications.

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Hatfield et al. (2020) Paleomagnetic Constraint of the Brunhes Age Sedimentary Record From Lake Junín, Peru
 Excel File

From: Hatfield RG, Stoner JS, Solada KE, Morey AE, Woods A, Chen CY, McGee D, Abbott MB and Rodbell DT (2020) Paleomagnetic Constraint of the Brunhes Age Sedimentary Record From Lake Junín, Peru. Front. Earth Sci. 8:147. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.00147. (Link to Article)

Description: New rock magnetic and paleomagnetic record for Lake Junin, Peru

Reilly et al. (2020) IODP 354 Bengal Fan Pleistocene Age Models, Magnetic Susceptibility Stack, Sedimentation Rate Stack, XRF Data

 Link to Zonodo Database

From: Reilly, B., Bergmann, F., Weber, M., Stoner, J., Selkin, P., Meynadier, L., Schwenk, T., Spiess, V., France-Lanord, C., (2020) Middle to Late Pleistocene Evolution of the Bengal Fan: Integrating Core and Seismic Observations for Chronostratigraphic Modeling of the IODP Expedition 354 8° North Transect. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems vol. 21. doi: 10.1029/2019GC008878. (Link to Article)

Description: Mid to late Pleistocene age models for the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 354 8⁰ North drilling transect.  Stacked records of sedimentation rates and magnetic susceptibility.  U-channel XRF scans of calcareous clay sediments at Site U1452.

Solada et al. (2020) Toba calera Magnetic Data
Excel File

From: Solada, K., Reilly, B., Stoner, J., De Silva, S., Mucek, A., Hatfield, R., . . . Setianto, B. (2020). Paleomagnetic observations from lake sediments on Samosir Island, Toba caldera, Indonesia, and its late Pleistocene resurgence. Quaternary Research, 95, 97-112. doi:10.1017/qua.2020.13. (Link to Article)

Description: Paleomagnetic observations from uplifted lake sediment discrete cubes across Samosir Island, Toba caldera.

Hagen et al. (2020) PSV Dynamic Time Warping Code

Link to Github

From: Hagen, C., Reilly, B., Stoner, J., Creveling, J. (2020). Dynamic time warping of paleomagnetic secular variation data. Geophysical Journal International, 221, 706-721. doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa004. (Link to Article)

Description: Code to implement dynamic time warping of vector (inclination/declination) data.

Reilly et al. (2019) Petermann Fjord Sediment Core Data

Paleomagnetic Data are archived on the MagIC Database

CT DICOM Files are available on the Zenodo Repository

XRF data, CT numbers, IRD counts, and the Ice Tongue Reconstruction are available on the Zenodo Repository

From: Reilly, B. T., Stoner, J. S., Mix, A. C., Walczak, M. H., Jennings, A., Jakobsson, M., et al. (2019). Holocene break-up and reestablishment of the Petermann Ice Tongue, Northwest Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 218, 322–342.

Description: XRF, CT, IRD, and magnetic data used to understand the history of the Petermann Ice Tongue.

Hatfield et al. (2019) Magnetic Properties of the Norwegian‐Greenland Seas
Excel File

From: Hatfield, R.G., et al. (2019) Particle Size Specific Magnetic Properties Across the Norwegian‐Greenland Seas: Insights Into the Influence of Sediment Source and Texture on Bulk Magnetic Records, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20. (Link to Article)

Description: Magnetic susceptibility, magnetic hysteresis, and low temperature magnetic susceptibility data of 71 core tops across the Norwegian-Greenland Seas.

Ólafsdóttir et al. (2019) Svalbard Holocene PSV
Text File

From: Ólafsdóttir, S., et al. (2019) Holocene paleomagnetic secular variation (PSV) near 80° N, Northwest Spitsbergen, Svalbard: Implications for evaluating High Arctic sediment chronologies, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 210, pp. 90-102. (Link to Article)

Description: PSV data for Core HAP-212 from Lake Hajeren

Additional Data: More data associated with this study is archived at the MagIC Database.

Reilly et al., (2018) Fish Lake, UT & WNAM17
Excel File

From: Reilly, B.T., et al., 2018: Regionally consistent Western North America paleomagnetic directions from 15 to 35 ka: Assessing chronology and uncertainty with paleosecular variation (PSV) stratigraphy. Quaternary Science Reviews, 201, 186-205. (Link to Article)

Description: Fish Lake, UT Stratigraphic Data, Western North America PSV Stacks, WNAM17 Stack, WNAM17 Timescale

Other Data: Primary magnetic data for Fish Lake, UT archived with the Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC)

Walczak et al., (2017) Northeast Pacific PSV
Excel File

From: Walczak, M.H., et al., 2017: A 17,000 yr paleomagnetic secular variation record from the southeast Alaskan margin: Regional and global correlations.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 477, 177-189. (Link to Article)

Description: EW0408-85JC PSV Data and NEPSIAS Inclination Stack.

Reilly et al., (2017) SedCT Code
Link to Archive

From: Reilly, B., et al., (2017) SedCT: MATLABTM tools for standardized and quantitative processing of sediment core computed tomography (CT) data collected using a medical CT scanner, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. (Link to Article)

Description: MATLAB Code to Run SedCT

Hatfield et al., (2016) 430 ka Interglacial Responses of South Greenland Ice Sheet
Excel File

From: Hatfield, R.G., et al. (2016) Interglacial responses of the south Greenland ice sheet over the last 430,000 years determined using particle-size specific magnetic and isotopic tracers, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 454, pp. 225-236. (Link to Article)

Description: Magnetic hysteresis, sedimentological, and isotopic data from Eirik Ridge Core MD99-2227.

Dorfman et al., (2015) Burial lake Magnetic Data
Excel File

From: Dorfman et al., (2015)  A 37,000-year environmental magnetic record of aeolian dust deposition from Burial Lake, Arctic Alaska, Quaternary Science Reviews, 128, 81-97. (Link to Article)

Description: Magnetic hysteresis, magnetic susceptibility, magnetic remanence, and sedimentological data and radiocarbon dates from Burial Lake Alaska.

Oda & Xuan (2014) OSU SRM Response Function
Text File

From: Oda & Xuan, (2014)  Deconvolution of continuous paleomagnetic data from pass-through magnetometer: A new algorithm to restore geomagnetic and environmental information based on realistic optimization, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15, 10, 10.1002/2014GC005513.

Description: OSU U-channel Optimized Superconducting Rock Magnetometer Response Function

Hatfield et al., (2013) Iceland & Greenland Stream Sediment Magnetic Data

Excel File

From: Hatfield et al., (2013)  Source as a controlling factor on the quality and interpretation of sediment magnetic records from the northern North Atlantic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 368, 69-77. (Link to Article)

Description: Hysteresis, magnetic susceptibility, remanance data for bulk and particle size stream sediment samples collected from Iceland and Greenland

Stoner et al., (2013) U1305 Holocene Magnetic Data & 'GreenIce' Data
Excel File

From: Stoner, J.S., J.E.T. Channell, A. Mazaud, C. Xuan, & S.E. Strano (2013) The influence of high latitude flux lobes on the Holocene paleomagnetic record of IODP Site U1305 and the northern North Atlantic. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14, 4623-4646. (Link to article

Description: Paleomagnetic and environmental magnetic data for the Holocene portion of U1305. Paleomagnetic data from ‘GreenIce’ – a composite paleomagnetic record of MD99-2269 and MD99-2322 from the Iceland and Greenland margins.

Stoner et al., (2007) MD99-2269 Magnetic, 14C & Carbonate Data

Excel File

From: Stoner JS, Jennings A, Kristjánsdóttir GB, Dunhill G, Andrews JT, Hardardo ́ttir J (2007) A paleomagnetic approach toward refining Holocene radiocarbon-based chronologies: Paleoceanographic records from the north Iceland (MD99-2269) and east Greenland (MD99-2322) margins. Paleoceanography 22. (Link to Article)

Description: PSV, 14C, Carbonate, and Magnetic Data for MD99-2269 for the Holocene

Stoner et al., (2003) ODP Site 1089 PSV and RPI

Text File

From: Stoner, J.S., Channell, J.E.T., Hodell, D.A., Charles, C.D., 2003. A ∼580 kyr paleomagnetic record from the sub-Antarctic South Atlantic (Ocean Drilling Program Site 1089). Journal of Geophysical Research 108.

 (Link to Article)

Description: Stoner et al., 2003 age, RPI, and PSV for ODP Site 1089 for the last ~580 ka.

Stoner et al., (2002) SAPIS

Text File

From: Stoner, J.S., Laj, C., Channell, J.E.T., Kissel, C., 2002. South Atlantic and North Atlantic geomagnetic paleointensity stacks (0–80ka): implications for inter-hemispheric correlation. Quaternary Science Reviews 21, 1141–1151.

 (Link to Article)

Description: SAPIS paleointensity stack for the last 80 ka, with relative paleointensity data for ODP Site 1089, TTN-057 Cores 4-PC03, 5-PC01, 21-PC02, and 10-PC03.

Stoner et al., (2000) MD99-2024 Magnetic Properties

Text File

From: Stoner, J.S., Channell, J.E.T., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Kissel, C., 2000. Geomagnetic paleointensity and environmental record from Labrador Sea core MD95-2024: global marine sediment and ice core chronostratigraphy for the last 110 kyr. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 183, 161–177.

 (Link to Article)

Description: Stoner et al., 2000 GISP2 age, updated NGRIP age, relative paleointensity,  declination, inclination, kARM/k, and k for MD99-2024

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