Further Learning

Petermann Fjord, Greenland: A Glacial & Climate History

Watch this short film about our 2015 field season to learn about the glacial and environmental history of the Petermann Glacier System, Northwest Greenland.  Produced by 77th Parallel Productions.


Stones on Ice: Greenland seas holds clues to future sea levels

In Fall 2010, Terra, Oregon State University’s quarterly publication that connects you with the cutting edge research done at OSU, published an article entitled Stones on Ice.  Here you learn, how and why Joseph Stoner and his research crew are trying to unravel mysteries of the past Greenland Ice Sheet.


Magnetic stratigraphy: Regional and global opportunities for synchronizing paleoclimate records

Watch the seminar video here

Joseph Stoner was a featured speaker at the July 2009 PAGES Open Science Meeting, hosted by OSU in Corvallis.  Watch his talk, titled “Magnetic stratigraphy: Regional and global opportunities for synchronizing paleoclimate records,” by clicking on the above link.  Click on the following links for more information on the meeting’s speakers or PAGES.

The paleomagnetic record of the geomagnetic field preserved in sediments provides a range of stratigraphic opportunities at a variety of temporal (sub-centennial to tectonic) and spatial (regional to global) scales. Reversals and excursions may provide age control at discrete intervals through the geomagetic polarity and geomagnetic instability timescales, while curves of secular variation in either directions or intensity may, under optimal conditions, provide continuous age control. Temporal and spatial uncertainties in magnetic stratigraphy reflect our incomplete understanding of the geomagnetic field and its evolution; a problem further compounded by the complexity of the magnetic acquisition process. Because geomagnetic field behavior cannot at present be predicted by theory, a principal challenge remains defining the “true” geomagnetic record for any location and/or time interval. Of secondary importance is defining the transfer function between geomagnetic input and the acquired paleomagnetic signal. New observations are beginning to constrain both the detailed dynamics of the geomagnetic field and the uncertainties inherent to its recording. Here, I will present an overview outlining the strengths and uncertainties of magnetic stratigraphy, with an eye towards future developments and burgeoning opportunities in this field of study.


P-mag Lab in the Field:

Check out our recent field work:


IODP Expedition 382: Iceberg Alley and Subantarctic Ice and Ocean Dynamics (Reilly)

IODP Expedition 383: Dynamics of Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current (Stoner)

JR100 Chilean Margin (Hatfield)

Ryder Glacier Expedition (Reilly)


Cascadia Margin Coring (Stoner/Walczak/Reilly)

Cascadia Margin Multi-Channel Seismic (Walczak/Reilly)


IODP Expedition 363: West Pacific Warm Pool (Hatfield)


Petermann Gletscher, Greenland – Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology (Stoner/Reilly)

Proyecto Lago Junin (Hatfield)

IODP Expedition 354: Bengal Fan (Reilly)


South Greenland – Lake Coring and Glacial Geology (Reilly)

Fish Lake, Utah Coring (Stoner/Hatfield)


IODP Expedition 341: Southern Alaskan Margin (Stoner/Walczak)

Fish Lake, Oregon Coring (Stoner/Hatfield/Reilly)


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