Summer Frenzy of Muddy Research

After a year of working in isolation, the Summer of 2021 was filled with excitement and collaborative spirit at the Marine and Geology Repository at Oregon State University. This summer, MGR hosted three REU students and two undergraduate students guided by three...

Sunday Morning Surprise!!

On an early Sunday morning, OSU-Marine and Geology Repository (MGR)’s assistant curator, Cara Fritz, and graduate student Deepa Dwyer participated in the Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington (GSOSW) STEMapalooza event. We shared their cruise experiences and...

Hot off the Press! New Paper in Frontiers!

What a year for pmag lab publications! Our latest paper from Dr. Robert Hatfield is now published in Frontiers in Earth Science entitled, “Paleomagnetic Constraint of the Brunhes Age Sedimentary Record From Lake Junin, Peru”. The paper is open access, so check it out...

P-mag Lab’s New Home

We are happy to announce the opening of the newly relocated and updated P-Mag lab! Although the fire in Burt hall in December 2018 has been a significant issue for us and all of CEOAS, we were very happy to acquire a new space and have moved the P-mag Lab to beautiful...

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