The OSU P-mag Lab is headed to Washington D.C. next week for the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting.

If you are there, learn about some of the research we are working on, including projects from the Bay of Bengal, Peru, Northern North Atlantic, Western North America, Nares Strait, and the High Arctic.



Michael Weber & Brendan Reilly (Oral Presentation)

PP23C-03: Bengal Fan depositional history through Pleistocene climate, monsoon, and sea level transitions (Link to QSR Paper)

Tuesday, 11 December 2018 14:10 – 14:25

Walter E Washington Convention Center – Salon I



Robert Hatfield et al. (Oral Presentation)

GP34A-04: Assessing Orbital Forcing in the Tropical Andes: Developing a 700 kyr paleointensity assisted chronology for ICDP drilling in Lake Junín, Peru

Wednesday, 12 December 2018 16:45 – 17:00

Marriott Marquis – Independence D



Benjamin Freiberg et al. (Oral Presentation)

GP41A-06: The Particle Size Specific Magnetic Properties of Eirik Ridge Sediments over the Last 150 ka from IODP Expedition 303 U1305 and U1306: Disentangling the Influences of the Greenland Ice Sheet and Deep Western Boundary Current

Thursday, 13 December 2018 09:15 – 09:30

Marriott Marquis – Independence D


Joseph Stoner et al. (Poster Presentation)

GP43B-0781: Regionally Consistent Western North America Paleomagnetic Directions from 15-35 ka: Assessing Chronology and Uncertainty with Paleosecular Variation (PSV) Stratigraphy (Link to QSR Paper)

Thursday, 13 December 2018 13:40 – 18:00

Walter E Washington Convention Center – Hall A-C (Poster Hall)


Anne Jennings et al. (Oral Presentation)

PP41B-02: Sediment and Faunal Evidence of Ice Shelves and Their Disintegration during the Early Holocene Deglaciation of Nares Strait

Thursday, 13 December 2018 08:15 – 08:30

Walter E Washington Convention Center – Salon I



Brendan Reilly & Joseph Stoner (Oral Presentation)

GP51A-05: The High Arctic Geomagnetic Field over the Middle to Late Holocene: Towards a Reconciliation of Discrepant Chronologies

Friday, 14 December 2018 09:09 – 09:26

Marriott Marquis – Independence D

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