OSU P-mag Lab visits Western Washington University

duThe P-mag lab is lucky to have REU student Elizabeth Patterson visit from Bates College this summer and work on the particle size specific magnetic properties of Gulf of Alaska margin sediments. In support of this project, Rob, Brendan, Leah, and Elizabeth spent...

New Greenland Icesheet publication in Nature

duUsing sediment core evidence taken from the sea floor off Greenland’s coast Rob Hatfield and Joe Stoner of the P-mag lab in collaboration with Anders Carlson (OSU) and Alberto Reyes (U. Alberta) and others were able to estimate the extent of the Greenland Ice Sheet...

Oh ho ho it’s MagIC

du Next week the P-Mag Lab’s Rob Hatfield, Leah Ziegler, and Sarah Strano will be attending the three day MagIC workshop in La Jolla CA at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UCSD. Rob will be presenting a poster similar to that he presented at last years AGU...

Gearing Up For Sampling

duNext week the PMag-Lab in conjunction with the OSU Marine Geology Repository are hosting two researchers from the University of Pittsburg. Aubrey Hillman (Ph.D. student) and Dr. Darren Larsen (Post Doc.), both work with Dr. Mark Abbott and are interested in the...

Leah and Joe visit EGU

du Leah Ziegler and Joe Stoner are both attending the European Geosciences Union (EGU) conference in Vienna this week. Leah is presenting on her deep earth interior work (see her abstract here) while Joe is presenting recent results from our record from Fish Lake in...