by Brendan Reilly | Mar 8, 2015 | IODP Exp 354: Bengal Fan, News, P-mag Lab in the Field
After successfully drilling and reaching our target of pre-fan sediments at our deepest site, we are returning to our second site to drill deeper with the RCB system. We hope to extend our record of fan deposition, Himalayan uplift, and evolution of the monsoon at...
by Brendan Reilly | Feb 23, 2015 | IODP Exp 354: Bengal Fan, News, P-mag Lab in the Field
Now at the second hole of our third site, the Exp 354: Bengal Fan team is preparing to start drilling the deepest hole of the expedition using an RCB (Rotary Core Barrel) system to a depth of 1500 meters below the sea floor! We expect this hole to recover sediments...
by Brendan Reilly | Feb 7, 2015 | IODP Exp 354: Bengal Fan, News, P-mag Lab in the Field
After much travel and preparation, the first core for Exp 354 has been recovered! For the uppermost sediment at each site we will be using the Advanced Piston Corer or APC, which tends to have the best recovery, least disturbance, and uses IODP’s new Icefield...
by Brendan Reilly | Feb 2, 2015 | IODP Exp 354: Bengal Fan, News, P-mag Lab in the Field
IODP Expedition 354 Bengal Fan is off to an exciting start. The science party boarded the JOIDES Resolution on January 30 and has been busy preparing to set sail this morning for our first site. While in port, our days are spent getting to know one another and...
by Brendan Reilly | Jan 21, 2015 | IODP Exp 354: Bengal Fan, News, P-mag Lab in the Field
Brendan Reilly is headed this weekend to Singapore where he will join IODP scientists, staff and crew aboard the RV Joides Resolution for Exp. 354 Bengal Fan. He will be working with the other shipboard paleomagnetists to develop the initial magnetostratigraphy and...
by Brendan Reilly | Dec 22, 2014 | News
Joe, Rob, and Brendan had a great time at AGU in San Francisco this last week. Check out some of the research the P-mag lab presented, including paleomagnetic results from: Fish Lake, Oregon; Fish Lake, Utah; IODP Exp. 340 U1396; and Joe’s talk, titled...