Joe, Rob, and Brendan are off to Copenhagen in support of their IODP proposal, 814-Full: Assessing the history of the south Greenland Ice Sheet and its interaction with ocean circulation, climate, and sea level.  This drilling proposal was the result of a 2012 IODP, NSF, and PAGES workshop, Assessing the History of the Greenland Ice Sheet through Ocean Drilling (link to workshop report).  They will be attending the IODP and ECORD MagellanPlus Workshop on Greenland Ice Sheet evolution, organized by Paul Knutz at GEUS. The participants will discuss 814-Full and another IODP Proposal, 909-Full: Cenozoic evolution of the northern Greenland ice sheet (NORTH ICE).  It looks like it will be an incredible workshop, with three days of Greenland focused talks, discussions, and planning sessions.


P-mag Lab presentations at the meeting:

Joe will be presenting the summary and status of the IODP 814-Full proposal and a keynote talk, titled:

Linking the marine sediment archive to Greenland Ice Sheet variability: Past and (hopefully) future ocean drilling around South Greenland.

Rob will be presenting a talk to highlight the work our group has done around South Greenland and the Northern North Atlantic, titled:

Eirik Ridge marine sediments: A Plio-Pleistocene archive of the past behavior of the south Greenland Ice-Sheet.

Brendan will be presenting a poster to encourage discussion on chronostratigraphic modeling, titled:

Chronostratigraphic modeling of complex depositional systems: Lessons from the Bengal Fan, implications for ice proximal environments.

And close collaborator Anne Jennings, at INSTAAR at CU-Boulder, will be presenting a talk on results from our 2015 Petermann Glacier Expedition, titled:

Ice Shelf Facies: Modern and Paleo examples from NW Greenland.

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