We are looking forward to AGU next week!  We have a big group going this year, including three of our undergraduate researchers.  Stop by and talk to Joe, Rob, Brendan, Mo, Ben, Sam, and Jordan at their presentations.  Don’t miss:

Monday afternoon at the Poster Hall (PP13A) How Far? How Fast? How Much? Paleoconstraints on the Extent and Rates of Retreat in Marine-Terminating Glaciers, Ice Sheets, and Sea Ice III Posters

Brendan Reilly and others, Late Holocene glacial History of Petermann Fjord, Northwest Greenland: Non-destructive CT, XRF, and magnetic results from OD1507 sediment cores

Robert Hatfield and others, Linking Particle Size Specific Measurements of Terrestrial and Marine Sediments to Understand the Deglacial Behavior of the Southern Greenland Icesheet since MIS12

Sam Albert and others, An XRF Geochemical Investigation of the Deglaciation of Hall Basin, Nares Strait


Monday afternoon at the Poster Hall (PP13B) Limnogeology and Paleolimnology I Posters

Jordan Morris and others, Lake Sediment Particle Size Analysis for Holocene Paleoenvironmental Study of Steens Mountain, Eastern Oregon


Tuesday morning at the Poster Hall (PP21A) Abrupt Climate Change: Causes, Mechanisms, and Consequences IV Posters

Maureen Walczak and others, North Pacific Modulation of the Global Carbon Cycle Through MIS-2: Insights from IODP Expedition 341


Thursday at 5:30 pm, Moscone West 2010 (PP44A) Ice-Sheet and Sea-Level Variability during Late Cenozoic Warm Periods: PALSEA2 I

Maureen Walczak and others, Late Pliocene Glaciation of Southern Greenland and Ice/Ocean Interactions (Invited)


Friday at 8:15 am, Moscone South 302 (GP51D) Magnetic Methods and New Developments in Magnetostratigraphy to Assign Chronology of Geologic Processes II

Joseph Stoner and others, Developing a High-Resolution Paleointensity Assisted Chronology Through the Matuyama-Brunhes Transitional Interval (0.7 to 1.25 Ma) for the NE Pacific from IODP Expedition 341, Sites U1417 and U1418

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